Gainful Employment Disclosures

Laurus College Gainful Employment Disclosures

Laurus College will provide you with all the information you need about gainful employment


The Department of Education is committed to assisting schools in providing current and prospective students the information they need to make an informed decision about their education and the school they choose. In accordance with this objective and Department of Education requirements, Laurus College continues to post updated information regarding gainful employment, placement, retention, and other results on its website at this location. Please contact the Registrar’s office if you have questions or need further information call [phone-link location=””] or

Laurus College Gainful Employment Disclosures by Program

Bachelor’s Degrees

Business Systems Management Bachelor’s Degree
Digital Arts & Computer Animation Bachelor’s Degree
Information Technologies & Network Systems Bachelor’s Degree
Web Design & Development Bachelor’s Degree

Occupational Associate Degrees

Digital Arts & Computer Animation Occupational Associate Degree
Information Technologies & Network Systems Occupational Associate Degree
Medical Billing & Coding Occupational Associate Degree
Professional Business Systems Occupational Associate Degree
Web Design Occupational Associate Degree