Critical Skills: Keyboard & Accuracy

Critical Skills: Keyboard & Accuracy by the Medical Billing & Coding Department at Laurus College The majority of entry level office positions, including those for Medical Billing and Coding, require a variety of administrative duties such as filing records, purchasing supplies and equipment, admitting patients, scheduling appointments and assisting with examinations. Almost all of these…

Success in 60 Seconds: Remember Names

Success in 60 Seconds: Remember Names by the Marketing Department at Laurus College “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie “Success in 60 Seconds” is a weekly blog meant to be read in 60 seconds or less that’s dedicated to helping…

How to Succeed in Business

How to Succeed in Business by the Professional Business Systems Department at Laurus College Laurus College can open the doors to a successful career in business. Whether you’re interested in working for an established company or launching your own enterprise, an Associate Degree in Professional Business Systems can help you achieve your goals. Follow these…

Career Chat: Company Research

Career Chat: Company Research by the Career Services Department at Laurus College “Career Chat” brings you the latest topics from the Career Chat forum in Purple Briefcase, the exciting new Job Search Portal provided to all Laurus College students and alumni. Have you checked your Purple Score lately? Login to Purple Briefcase What Do Companies…

How to Build a Great Portfolio

How to Build a Great Portfolio by the Professional Business Systems Department at Laurus College Whatever your career path, there’s nothing more important than presenting yourself to a potential employer in a professional manner. Today’s job market is competitive and to get the job you want, you need to set yourself apart from the competition.…