Top 3 Tech Jobs of the Future

Top 3 Tech Jobs of the Future by the Professional Business Systems Department at Laurus College Earning an Associate Degree at Laurus College will help you prepare for new jobs emerging in high-tech fields like Web Development, Video Game Design and Computer Networking. As the population ages our needs for how and why we use…

3 Hot Careers for Business Students

3 Hot Careers for Business Students by the Professional Business Systems Department at Laurus College Completing the Professional Business Systems Associate Degree at Laurus College gives you the skills and confidence to succeed in today’s workforce and the opportunity to work in a career that matches your goals while building on your experience. With focused…

Using LinkedIn for Career Success

Using LinkedIn for Career Success by the Professional Business Systems Department at Laurus College A three (3)-step process for using LinkedIn to build career success. For college students and graduates, it is critical that you build a strong foundation in social media so that you can maximize your professional network. The first ‘layer’ of social…

Tips for a Successful Freelancing Career

Tips for a Successful Freelancing Career by the Professional Business Systems Department at Laurus College If you’ve ever dreamed of working from home, then you might be interested in working as a freelancer. While it’s true that you’ll avoid the morning commute and even have the option of working in your pajamas, a successful freelancing…

How to Dress for Success

Job interviews can be a stressful prospect. Enter a designated room at a designated time and work your hardest to impress a complete stranger and convince them you are the most successful candidate for the job, all while trying not to say or do anything that might jeopardize your chances. Unfortunately, some things are out…

Capitalizing on CareerShift

Seeking employment is one of the most challenging, exhausting and frustrating tasks in life. Laurus College understands this and is committed to helping relieve that stress by bringing the best jobsearch and career resources available to its students and graduates. That’s why we’re proud to provide CareerShift as a FREE service to everyone at Laurus…