Freelancing for 3D: Can Students Freelance?

Written by: Chris Koehler, Department Director, 3D Animation Department Can Students Freelance? At the heart of many artists is the aspiration of becoming a self-employed artist for hire, better known as a freelancer. Freelance artists can be found in every industry and act as independent contractors providing services directly to clients. Although claiming the freelance…

First Time Entrepreneur’s Guide: Starting a Business

Written by: Lyn Stageland, Instructor, Professional Business Systems Department The First Time Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business You earned your degree and an impressive set of skills along the way. Now you’re interested in starting a business and building something you are passionate about pursuing, but before you can get started, there are several…

Study Skills

Study Skills by the Career Services Department At Laurus College, students are assigned only one class per five-week term, giving them the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the course material. While this learning approach helps students to stay focused and engaged, developing good study skills is another critical piece to succeeding in your program.…